Easy to reach, efficient and professional “We have huge databases from state and city organizatons that were on different platforms and needed
to be better coordinated. We worked with Velarium to provide a program that can be customized to our needs. I have to be available to our members
24/7, so when I have a queston or need a bug in the system fixed, Joel and his team have always been easy to reach, efficient, and professional.
Velarium spoils me, but that’s okay. My rapport with the team is great, and I can text them for emergencies—I get a response and get it fixed. My day
to day routne and responsibilites are less stressful since we hired Velarium.”
Glenda Lowery, CFO, Chief Financial Officer
Florida Police Benevolent Associaton
Flexibility and customization stand out “There are many aspects of Velarium’s products that I love, but the flexibility and the customizaton are
what stands out to me. I can have an hour discussion with them about a crazy idea, and they get it. For example, we wanted to find a way to better
document firefighter exposure to blood pathogens, chemicals, etc., From that one conversaton, Joel created an app for us that allows firefighters to
upload photos from an incident, and to document the conditons of the fire, any chemical exposure, etc. That is automatcally transferred to my
Velarium system profile. Now, with the app we can keep track of all exposures in real tme, which is extremely important. Velarium hasn’t just made
my work life easier, it has made all our lives easier”
Jack Eltman. Firefighter, Certified Trustee Master (TMP-IFEBP)
Recording Secretary and Office Manager
Philadelphia Firefighters and Paramedics Union Local 22
A collaborative process and team effort “When I sat down with Joel and he showed me what Velarium could do, I felt that he would be very
responsive and provide excellent customer support. My natural thought was, ‘Is this level of service going to go away once we sign a contract?’ It
didn’t. I can text Joel any tme. He understands how important the data is to us and our members.
One thing that really impressed me aer we hired Velarium was the input I had in the system design. Joel showed me the template and asked how I
would like to tailor it to our needs. I really enjoyed having not just the ability to have a customized database, but one in which I had significant input.
I really enjoyed the collaboratve process because it was a team effort, which made a big difference.”
It may sound corny, but Joel and his team are there for us. He is more than a professional connecton. I am a firm believer in Velarium----if I wasn’t, I
wouldn’t tell my peers in similar organizatons to hire them.”
Marc Leavitt, Business Manager
OP&CMIA Local Union #797
Las Vegas, Nevada
We can talk to a human being “I like Velarium’s product and the team is personal and approachable. Velarium’s customer service is above anything
we antcipated. If we need something changed, I simply pick up the phone and ask them. In the tech world, it’s unusual to have your suggestons be
heard and implemented. They have never told me ‘no’ outright. They have always said ‘Let’s try it, and if it doesn’t work we will create another
soluton.’ Other companies are strictly business—they are bureaucratc and will ask us to fill out a service tcket and they will ‘try to get back to us in
24 hours.’
With Velarium we can talk to a human being. There is always someone on the other end of the line to respond to any concerns. I know of no issues with
the database that took more than one phone call to resolve. Velarium’s customer service is unheard of—to have that personal connecton and touch
shows that they are attentve to my needs.”
Roosevelt Poplar, Vice President
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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